Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Staying Happy During Wedding Planning

When I was in my early and mid twenties I thought I would never get married. Never have kids. Then I met Chris. He was the male version of me. He was all the good things about all the men I had ever loved and none of the bad. He was everything I had no idea I wanted. He made me want to get married, made me want to have kids.

A few years later we had an offbeat wedding; a non-white dress, Vegas, tattoos, mustaches, no sit down dinner, no cake, no first dances, no bridesmaids, no introductions. Just an killer open bar, 80 of our closest friends and family and a party that lasted until the sun came up.

Every time we look through our pictures of the wedding week we talk about how we wish we could get married all over again... From the planning to the day of experience - the whole thing. And I think that, right there, is the secret to wedding planning. Do it exactly how you want to do it. Do it so good that you want to do it again. Don't get caught up in little things - in fact if that little thing has been bugging the two of you - get rid of it! Even if its something you THOUGHT was important to you.

If you are not having fun during your planning - rethink everything! Now I am not saying that a few late nights of annoying DIY projects are not worth it. They may be. There will be stress. But it should be the kind of stress that brings you together - not drives you apart.

With that said...good luck and congrats!

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